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Deity Knuckleduster Grips Turquoise

Deity Knuckleduster Grips Turquoise

Deity Knuckleduster Grips Turquoise

Deity Knuckleduster Grips Turquoise is the grip of choice for world cup style assassin and gloveless wonder, Sam Blenkinsop, the knuckleduster embodies Deity's attention to detail and focus on function! Taking a risk and thinking outside the box is where Deity thrives and these are certainly case in point! Deity have developed a trc rubber blend that gives you remarkable grip with incredible durability. The knuckleduster also features a tapered internal sleeve that you have to tap onto your handlebar for full engagement. This tapered sleeve feels like it is already locked into place once fully tapped onto the bar and coupled with a single bolt lock-on clamp, you will not develop any play. The body of the grip combines the best elements of a half-waffle, mushroom ribbing, and an ergo feel in a stunning package. Featuring a mushroom pattern to minimize vibration, the true magic of the knuckleduster lies in the v channel chevron ribs that ergonomically fill the swell of your palm and then seamlessly transition to a recessed half waffle on the underside. Why is this magic? All half waffle patterns are outboard and are notorious for creating hot spots on long rides. By designing the top to seamlessly transition to a recessed half waffle pattern, your fingers sit perfectly into the grip and allow you full control even in the roughest of conditions without being plagued by hot spots or blisters. The knuckleduster grips truly are an all day grip that allow you to keep it pinned wide open at all times!The new benchmark in grip designDIRT MAG Top 100 Product for 2018!Featuring DEITY TRC rubber compound for exceptional durabilityTapered inner sleeve to insure perfect contact with the handlebarSingle clamp design with forward facing bolts that feature loc-titeLasered black ano 6061 T6 aluminum clampsShort and wide rib design for added comfort with no side to side playHalf waffle recessed design for added control without hot spotsChevron v-channel design for your palm swell to give an ergonomic feelSeamless transition through the end of grip for comfort132mm length with 32mm outer diameterIntended use: All MTN / Enduro / DJ / Slopestyle and DHFull color range available in black, stealth, red, green, blue and orange101 grams for the setINSTALLATION TIP: To fully and properly install your KNUCKLEDUSTER grip due to the tapered inner sleeve...make certain to whack the end of the grip 3 times with the palm of your hand until the grip fully seats onto the handlebar and finish the install by tightening the hardware to the specs listed on the packaging.VITAL MTB REVIEW - 4.5/5

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