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Tacx Flux S Smart Trainer

Tacx Flux S Smart Trainer

Tacx Flux S Smart Trainer

Turbo Trainers
Accessible direct drive with full Smart functionalityBy changing the design of its iconic predecessor, the FLUX S Smartgained a wider bike compatibility range. It has been redesigned inorder to fit long cage derailleurs. The FLUX S Smart is a reliable andpowerful trainer with a smooth ride feel. This interactive direct drivetrainer makes Smart training accessible to any cyclist. ANT+ andBluetooth enables you to connect to your favourite applications.The FLUX S Smart is an accessible direct drive trainer with full Smartfunctionality. By changing the external design of its predecessor, itgained a wider bike compatibility range whereby its now compatiblewith long cage derailleurs. The well balanced design ensuresmaximum stability when cycling in even the most explosive sprints.The internal mechanics of the FLUX S Smart are redesigned toimprove the power measurement. Because of this, the trainer isreliable, accurate and consistent and calculates your poweraccurately within 3%. This is key to keep track of your performanceand progress. The internal upgrade together with the heavy flywheel of7 kg (15.4 lbs) improved the ride feel significantly. This direct drivetrainer is designed to bring vibrations and noise levels to the absoluteminimum, resulting in the most silent flywheel equipped bike traineravailable.It comes with ANT+ (FE-C) and Bluetooth Smart technology, enablingyou to connect to your favourite applications like the Tacx Desktop appand Zwift. The smart electronics of the FLUX S Smart also allow you totrain stand alone, without any software connections. Using the TacxUtility app you can easily update the firmware to the latest version, soyou can always make use of the latest improvements and features.Cassette is not included.

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Price Compare : From £549.00

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