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Hiplok Dx+ D Lock And 2m Cable Black

Hiplok Dx+ D Lock And 2m Cable Black

Hiplok Dx+ D Lock And 2m Cable Black

Maximum securityA double dead lock and anti-rotation locking combine with a 14mm premium hardened steel shackle to withstand the toughest of attacks. Independently awarded maximum gold level security rating by the experts at sold secure.Designed for ridingOne of most lightweight gold rated bike locks and with patented clip + ride system, the dx clips on to belts and bag straps making it easy to carry on your ride.No worriesWorry less, ride more. Hiplok locks are engineered using the highest quality materials built to stand the test of time. We offer you total peace of mind with a lifetime warranty.Hiplok DX+ D Lock & 2m CableFeaturesMAXIMUM SECURITY D LOCK2M STEEL BRAID ACCESSORIES CABLEDOUBLE DEAD LOCKANTI-ROTATION LOCKING14MM PREMIUM HARDENED STEEL SHACKLEPATENTED CLIP + RIDE SYSTEMGOLD SOLD SECURE3 X CODED REPLACEABLE KEYS

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